Conservation Experience                                                                         

John Vitagliano, Fine Art Conservation, Bethlehem CT (2000-Present)
Private Practice Paintings Conservator in a conservation lab that carries out examinations, treatment proposals, treatments, consultations and exhibition condition checking.  Clients include private collectors as well as local museums such as The Rubin Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Museum, Neue Galerie, Neuberger Museum and the Newark Museum. 

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY (2008 to Present )
Project conservator to treat paintings in the museum conservation lab. Also have co-ordinated with Registrars, Art handlers and Couriers to uncrate, condition check and install /deinstall artworks during exhibits such as Alex Katz, Gego, Visionaries: Creating a Modern Guggenheim, Agnes Martin, ZERO, On Kawara, Italian Futurism.

Project Conservator for the Comprehensive Inventory of the Collection. Condition checked and photo-documented the paintings in the collection, entered into TMS. 

Neue Galerie, New York, NY (2014 to Present)
Co-ordinate with Registrars, Art Handlers and Couriers to uncrate, condition check and install/deinstall artworks during recent exhibits such as The Self Portrait, From Schiele to Beckmann, Before the Fall, Richard Gerstl, Klimt Women, Munch and Expressionism, Degenerate Art. 

Rubin Museum of Art, New York, NY (2005 to Present)
Treating the collection of Tibetan Thangkas

Art Conservation Group, Brooklyn, NY (2000-2006)
Paintings Conservator at a Private Conservation Lab treating both objects and paintings. 

Art Preservation Services, Queens, NY (Summer 2004)
Project Conservator.  Treated “The Last Column” of the World Trade Center, a painted and decorated steel beam removed from the WTC recovery site.

Rustin Levenson Art Conservation Associates, New York, NY (2000)
Project Conservator for the conservation of an early 20th century mural at The Empire Theater, 42nd Street, New York, NY

Fodera Fine Art Conservation, New York, NY (1993-1999 ) 
Associate Paintings Conservator.  The company worked on many 19th century American paintings.   

Appelbaum and Himmelstein Conservation, New York, NY (1992-1993)
Graduate Intern treating paintings.

Williamstown Art Conservation Center, at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass (Summer 1991)
Graduate Intern treating paintings 

Smithsonian Institution, Conservation Analytical Lab, Washington D.C. (1989-1990)  
Pre-Program Internship in both paper and paintings conservation

The Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY (1987-1988)   
Conservation Intern


Buffalo State College, Art Conservation Program, Buffalo, NY (1990-1993)
M.A. and Certificate of Advanced Study in Art Conservation, 1993